I spent a lovely half hour chatting to this gentleman as part of the reenactors of the 95th Regiment of Rifles. The fact that I had distracted him from his work of creating leather protective guards for the flint-lock firing mechanisms of the replica Baker rifles did not stop him discussing a multitude of historical accuracies and showing off the equipment that all involved are so proud of.
He admitted that he should have been wearing the white trousers to make his ‘undress’ uniform fully accurate but the time it takes to remove boots, gaiters, green trousers and then reverse the process with white trousers was not going to happen if he was to be ready for the approaching display the Rifles had been allocated in the arena.
I absolutely love the opportunities to chat to these enthusiasts who share a passion for Napoleonic history and their attention to detail has inspired many episodes that I have since used in my adventures for Fin and Thomo.
One of my favourites has to be the simple way that the muskets and rifles were constructed and barrels held in place: three simple pegs fitting through the holes in the wood to locate within the respective ‘u’ shaped metal lugs along the barrel. Unique to each firing piece, none could swapped on a mix and match basis, these were the weapons that struck fear into the French troops approaching the thin red lines in front of them.
Tony was not the first reenactor that I have had the opportunity to chat to, and I hope that he won’t be the last, but I so enjoy exploring the camp sites, snooping amongst the tents and kitchens to glean another new piece of information to be noted for further use later. The men and women who give up their time to step back in time to live for a weekend as they would have done 200 years ago bring to life so many aspects of the way the army attempted to survive.
I use photos taken to describe uniforms worn; the way the soldiers mended and improvised on campaign, how the women camp followers provided for their men, but I so value the time they give to chat and share stories of famous venues, of how what is written in books is not always the way equipment was worn or used on campaign. I have collected a range of books that publish memoirs and letters from campaigns but these reenactors have inspired so much of the adventures that I have tried to create. The arena displays and loud bangs might get more notice, but it’s good to talk!

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